Goals For Parents

Zalik Academy Elementary Goals

Zalik Academy Elementary School plays a pivotal role in cultivating a nurturing and enriching educational atmosphere. Here are some proposed goals:

Goals for Parents

Encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s educational journey by attending parent-teacher conferences, school events, and volunteering opportunities.

Foster transparent communication between parents, teachers, and administrators to ensure collaboration in supporting student learning and development.

Provide resources and guidance to help parents establish supportive learning environments at home, including setting routines, offering homework assistance, and fostering a love for reading and learning.

Offer workshops, seminars, and resources to educate parents about child development, effective parenting strategies, and ways to support academic success.

Empower parents to advocate for their child’s needs and rights within the school community and beyond, including accessing support services and accommodations when necessary.

Serve as positive role models for their children by demonstrating the value of education, lifelong learning, and hard work.

Encourage parents to prioritize their own well-being and balance family, work, and personal responsibilities to create a healthy and supportive home environment.

By collaboratively striving toward these goals, Zalik Academy Elementary School can create a comprehensive educational experience that fosters the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of both students and parents.