Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Our founder, Ezza Malik, has participated in a variety of public speaking competitions at all levels, from educational to community settings, since the age of six. Her exceptional skills have earned her numerous awards and scholarships throughout her life. Most recently, she achieved first place in the 3-minute thesis competition at the Ontario Institute of Education during her Master’s of Teaching program in 2019.

At Zalik Academy, Ezza emphasizes confidence in the early years, helping students build on their social-emotional well-being to thrive. Over the past five years, she has facilitated numerous public speaking programs for schools, inspiring and guiding young speakers to excel. Her approach not only enhances students’ communication skills but also boosts their self-esteem and resilience. Here, we highlight two of her students: Amina, in grade 3, and Ethan, in grade 5, both showcasing their impressive public speaking skills at their school events. Their achievements are a testament to the effectiveness of Ezza’s dedicated mentorship and the supportive environment at Zalik Academy.